Darlings, in the chaos that has been what it has been during the latter half of last week, I'd forgotten to light a candle for a favorite composer Bela Bartok (25 March 1881 – 26 September 1945). Bartok is credited as being a forerunner to the ethno-musicology discipline and was know for creating unique soundscapes and often seemingly jagged and/or discordant melodies. Bartok was a contemporary even among his contemporaries as explained by George Perle in The Listening Composer(1990):
"Nowhere does he (Bartok) recognize the communality of his harmonic language with that of the twelve-tone composers that is implied in their shared premise of the harmonic equivalence of inversionally symmetrical pitch-class relations."
If ever there were inspiration for my less-than-spartan musical tendencies, I would point, in part, to early exposure to"Bluebeards Castle" an opera composed in 1911 and initially performed in Budapest in May of 1918. Like space, it is dark. it is dense, it is haunting and filled with wondrous beauty...
Deavers Out.