The Mission
433Eros broadcasts a one hour presentation called "Rocket Ships and Rocking Chairs" on a monthly basis. We have made contact with multiple data streams and plan to unveil many of them after thorough scrubbing.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Cozy Catastrophes' EP "Way Last June" Provides Tragic Pop for Star-crossed Love @februaryrec
Darlings, at the end of a decade maybe you look back on the things that have touched your heart or maybe you just reflect on where it all just- just got kind of got messy. I think of my experiments with butch hair-stylings, purple lip gloss (which I STILL think is hot) and... really a host of other things that I will self censor. Why do I bring these things up now? Well. I'm glad you're asking. Cozy Catastrophes "Way Last June" smacks of wistful thought. Its recurring message, encaspuled within an exceptionally organic electronic package, is: 'I'm sorry for what I didn't do" or, as an old partner once said to me: "He has a face like somebody stole his lollipop, but he just don't care."
Deavers Out.