The Mission

433Eros broadcasts a one hour presentation called "Rocket Ships and Rocking Chairs" on a monthly basis. We have made contact with multiple data streams and plan to unveil many of them after thorough scrubbing.

Please stay tuned and follow us @Erif_Der or @0433eros on twitter or subscribe to our Youtube channel here.

We welcome all transmissions and submissions.

Deavers Out.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Haruka Nakamura Captures Evening Settling as Well as Any Painting Could in "Harmonie du Soir" @C_CASA @Kitchen_Label

It is not easy to be away from the sun sets and sun rises that bracket the usual planetary day. Even I am a mere vessel of Diana. Thusly, there exist some cycles where I grieve the abscence of sparrow song and cicadda buzz. Darlings, this means not that on these days my penchant for high heels and red lipstick wanes, it simply means that I must turn to composers like Mr Nakamura to remind me of my home on the river.

Deavers out.